ADeX: Archaeological data export. Standard for the exchange of archaeological data Edit

The Archaeological Data Export Standard (proper spelling Archäologischer DateneXport, abbreviated ADeX) is a data exchange format developed by a commission of state archaeologists, with the help of which essential attributes of archaeological sites (e.g. localisation, dating, description of features, etc.) can be exchanged in a standardised way between institutions of archaeological monument preservation and persons and institutions of archaeological research (students, research institutes, museums, etc.) in Germany. Source: Wikipedia with modifications (cc by-sa 4.0)

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@misc{ADeX 2011,
  title = {{{ADeX}}: {{Arch{\"a}ologischer Daten-Export}}. {{Standard}} F{\"u}r Den {{Austausch}} Arch{\"a}ologischer {{Fachdaten}}},
  author = {{AG Modellierung der Kommission ,,Arch{\"a}ologie und Informationssysteme`` im Verband der Landesarch{\"a}ologen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland}},
  year = {2011},
  url = {}
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