FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg University Library RDMO question catalogue for the handling research data (2020) of the DFG Review Board "Ancient Cultures" Edit

XML template for the Research Data Management Organiser developed as part of the eHumanities-interdisziplinär project. This DFG questionnaire is based on the DFG questionnaire of the FoDaKo project. However, the structure has been changed compared to the FoDaKo plans and supplemented to meet the requirements of the handout from Review Board 101 on handling research data. The plan follows the five sections in the guidelines:

  1. Type and scope of data and prior legal clarification
  2. Preparation, quality assurance and documentation of the data
  3. Storage and archiving
  4. Enabling and regulating subsequent usability
  5. Responsibilities for data management

The Research Data Management Organiser, RDMO for short, is a tool for creating data management plans. It was developed as part of a DFG-funded project and is now maintained by an RDMO working group in which anyone can participate.


Many research institutions and universities maintain productive or test instances of the RDMO software. An overview of the institutions and contact persons can be found on the project homepage in the section “Kooperationsnetzwerk”.

DOI: https://github.com/rdmorganiser/rdmo-catalog/blob/21029310b7a44501262ef1a5f17e07c6a55440b4/shared/ub_fau_erlangen_nuernberg/dfg-alte-kulturen/dfg_alte_kulturen_fk101.xml
License CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication
  title = {{DFG-Fragebogen f{\"u}r Alte Kulturen (Fachkollegium 101)}},
  copyright = {CC-0},
  author = {{UB FAU Erlangen-N{\"u}rnberg}},
  year = {2021},
  url = {https://github.com/rdmorganiser/rdmo-catalog/blob/master/shared/ub_fau_erlangen_nuernberg/dfg-alte-kulturen/dfg_alte_kulturen_fk101.xml}
Categories Dataset RDMP-Templates 
Tags RDM