CESSDA Data Archiving Guide Edit

The Data Archiving Guide (DAG) is designed to support the work of employees of data repositories by providing a general understanding of the full range of activities a data repository performs. Although the DAG was developed for and by employees of social science data archives, a lot of information applies to other archives as well and is equally useful for archiving professionals from other disciplines. The Data Archiving Guide has been created for CESSDA ERIC by a number of its service providers’ experts.

Chapter 5.4 “Trustworthy data archives” in particular provides a good overview of the relationship between FAIR principles and the concept of trustworthiness, and how these qualities are reflected within data archives via policies, technology, internal training, and dissemination. Chapter 1.5 “What is a certified archive” contains information on the certification process for trustworthy digital repositories (TDRs).

  • Chapter 1: Data Archives – a Quick Introduction

  • Chapter 2: Policies of Data Archives

  • Chapter 3: Pre-ingest

  • Chapter 4: Ingest and Curation

  • Chapter 5: FAIR-enabling and Trustworthy Qualities of Data Archives

DOI: https://dag.cessda.eu/
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0)
	title = {{CESSDA} {Data} {Archiving} {Guide} version 1.0.},
	copyright = {Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International},
	url = {https://dag.cessda.eu/},
	urldate = {2024-05-13},
	author = {{CESSDA Training Team}},
	year = {2022},
	note = {Bergen, Borway: CESSDA ERIC},
Categories Tutorials