Digital Preservation Handbook, 2nd Edition Edit

The Digital Preservation Handbook, first compiled by Neil Beagrie and Maggie Jones in 2001, is maintained and updated by the Digital Preservation Coalition. This full revision (the 2nd Edition) has expanded and updated content to cover over 30 major sections.

The 2nd edition was compiled with input from 45 practitioners and experts in digital preservation under the direction of Neil Beagrie as managing editor and William Kilbride as chair of the Management and Advisory Boards.

The Handbook provides an internationally authoritative and practical guide to the subject of managing digital resources over time and the issues in sustaining access to them. It will be of interest to all those involved in the creation and management of digital materials.

  title = {Digital {{Preservation Handbook}}, 2nd {{Edition}}},
  author = {Digital Preservation Coalition},
  date = {2015},
  url = {},
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