Linked Art Metadata Application Profile Edit

Linked Art is a metadata application profile that is mainly based on the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model. It adds various implementation-related decisions and patterns that are not suitable for the more conceptual level of the ontology. This ranges from RDF and Linked Open Data as a carrier model to the JSON-LD format for serialisations, recommendations on specific modelling patterns and minor extensions based on the use cases of the participating institutions. The scope of Linked Art is also narrower than that of the full CRM, as the focus is on art museum use cases and not on overall knowledge management in cultural heritage.


License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0)
	title = {Linked {Art}},
        copyright = {CC-BY 4.0},
	url = {},
	urldate = {2024-05-02},
	journal = {ICOM CIDOC},
Categories Specification Dataset 
Tags Metadata Vocabulary