Study on quality in 3D digitisation of tangible cultural heritage: mapping parameters, formats, standards, benchmarks, methodologies, and guidelines: VIGIE 2020/645. Final Study Report Edit

The aim of the study is to map the parameters, formats, standards, benchmarks, methodologies and guidelines relating to 3D digitisation of tangible cultural heritage.

The overall objective is to further the quality of 3D digitisation projects by enabling cultural heritage professionals, institutions, content-developers, stakeholders and academics to define and produce high-quality digitisation standards for tangible cultural heritage. This unique study identifies key parameters of the digitisation process, estimates the relative complexity and how it is linked to technology, its impact on quality and its various factors. It also identifies standards and formats used for 3D digitisation, including data types, data formats and metadata schemas for 3D structures. Finally, the study forecasts the potential impacts of future technological advances on 3D digitisation.

This study was commissioned by the EU-Commission to help advance 3D digitisation across Europe and thereby to support the objectives of the Recommendation on a common European data space for cultural heritage (C(2021) 7953 final), adopted on 10 November 2021.

The Recommendation encourages Member States to set up digital strategies for cultural heritage, which sets clear digitisation and digital preservation goals aiming at higher quality through the use of advanced technologies, notably 3D.


DOI: 10.2759/471776
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0)
  title = {Study on Quality in {{3D}} Digitisation of Tangible Cultural Heritage: Mapping Parameters, Formats, Standards, Benchmarks, Methodologies, and Guidelines: {{VIGIE}} 2020/645. {{Final Study Report}}},
  copyright = {CC-BY},
  author = {{Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (European Commission)}},
  date = {2022},
  publisher = {Publications Office of the European Union},
  doi = {10.2759/471776},
  url = {},
Categories Recommendation 
Tags Digital File Formats Three-dimensional (3D) Scanning Metadata Vocabulary